I found this website in the signature line of a forward from you to your mom to my mom, or something like that. Congrats on your progress in the world of triathlons. Also, congrats on your job at SMU. It's been a long time since I've seen you. We'll have to catch up some time.
Update! What might you be on Discovery Channel for?
YAY! Alaska
Shut up that you are friends with Eric Hughes... small world.
Check out our blog!
Let's hang out SOOOON!!!
I found this website in the signature line of a forward from you to your mom to my mom, or something like that. Congrats on your progress in the world of triathlons. Also, congrats on your job at SMU. It's been a long time since I've seen you. We'll have to catch up some time.
You look great in spandex...
Dustin "D" Peterson
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