New Car
The 1996 Honda Civic finally died. The transmission gave out on me. It had about 140,000 miles on it. I wanted to drive that thing for another year or two but oh well. I ended up donating it to the Dallas Can Academy...I think it sold for like $2250 at a car auction, which totally surprised me.
I love my new car and it's so much more convenient for triathlon stuff (and much more comfortable for a tall guy). It was a LONG and stressful process to find a car for me. Let's just say I will be driving this one until it dies, just like the Civic. So I got a brand new Honda CR-V. I bought a bike rack from craig's list for it and really overall I like it more and more everyday. The dealership insisted that they take a picture of me with the car, so here you go!

Lauri came in town to Dallas for her last medical school rotations and she brought little Ella with her. We had a birthday party for her at Mom's house, and I found it funny that a group of about 10 adults was sitting there watching a one-year old open gifts! It was funny how short her attention span was...Lauri was having to re-direct Ella back to the next new gift to open. Funny stuff. Here's one of many pics I made Lauri take of me and Ella. She's cute, huh?

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