For the last year or two, I noticed that Mandy had somewhat lost interest in fetching. She used to be a maniac! I would have to cut her off at 20 throws and that would usually take about 15 minutes or so. I use the "Chuck it" which is amazing and launches the ball really far. I highly recommend!

You see, Mandy doesn't know when to stop and take a water break so I would always have to cut her off to make sure she didn't overheat or something (especially in the summer).
Well, that 20 number has slowly diminished to about 5 over the last two years. After a few tosses with the Chuck it, she just loses interest or runs back to me really slowly or would rather sniff around and pee on every other dog's pee instead of fetch. I thought she was just getting old and this was part of it. I've always tried my hardest to keep her in good shape and take her on walks and throw the ball with her so it kind of bothered me when this was happening.
Today we threw the ball 20 times and I had to cut her off. Maybe it was because it had to be the perfect day...maybe it's b/c her dog friend Autumn wasn't there to compete for her attention...maybe she's not "getting old" after all and she's getting healthier every year! She'll be 8 years old in March. I love pets, I really do. I think we can learn a lot from them if we just slow down, listen and observe.
Here she is today after her 20 fetches (I did give her longer rest intervals between #'s 10 & 11 and 13 & 14 - haha, that was a joke but i really did):

I also have new hope today because I had a pretty scary experience on the bike yesterday. I got cought out in some bad weather. The temperature dropped significantly and I found myself riding into 40mph gusts of wind. I was truly fearful because my body was acting funny and I had to pee like every 5 minutes. Everytime I stopped to pee I got colder and colder. I prayed. And god sent me an angel in Joe Sullivan from Sherman, Texas. Joe picked me up in his mail truck and drove me to safety. Thank you Joe. I was desperate and you helped me. I see life through different lenses today. Merry Christmas.
Matthew 25:35-36
35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.
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